Friday 18 July 2014

The Autoworld Chatsworth Golf Day

The Autoworld Chatsworth Golf Day keeps growing in strength year after year, helping to raise money for an important local charity each year.

What a tournament and what a location. The tournament was set on the golfing grounds within the beautiful landscapes of the Peak District.  Just over the hill, on the horizon was the most perfect of backdrops, the historic Chatsworth House.

Great golf is what we wanted and that’s exactly what we got. The players were split into eleven teams of four, with each team battling it out for 1st, 2nd and 3rd as well as other prize awards such as, nearest shot to the pin and longest and most accurate drive. Although the weather didn’t hold off all the way to the end, it still didn’t manage to dampen the player’s spirits.

The tournament
Great golf is what we wanted and that's exactly what we got.

The Teams
The players were split into eleven teams of four.

The Teams
Each team battled it out to win the tournament

The Teams

The Teams

The Teams

The Teams

The Teams

The Teams

The Teams

The Teams

The Teams

The tournament

The tournament

The tournament

The tournament

The tournament

The tournament

The tournament

The tournament

The tournament

The day finished off with an evening presentation where all the winners received their prizes. What followed was a delicious evening meal with one or two beers to swill it all down with before an auction took place. The players had the opportunity to grab themselves some unique lots like a Chatsworth fly fishing experience and a Chatsworth farm shop experience where the winner would experience life as a butcher for the day and walk away with £100 worth of exquisite meats.

The Evening Presentation
Congratulations to the 1st prize winners.
The Evening Presentation
2nd prize winners
3rd prize winners
The Evening Presentation
And all our other prize winners
The Evening Presentation

The Evening Presentation

The Evening Presentation

The Evening Presentation
The auction gave the players a chance to grab some unique lots.
The Evening Presentation
Such as a Chatsworth fly fishing experience.
The Evening Presentation
A Chatsworth butcher experience
The Evening Presentation
And many other great buys
The Evening Presentation
Thanks to all of the people who attended this fantastic event
The Evening Presentation
To help raise a massive £1,000 for Ashgate Hospice

All the fun and prizes are all well and good but lets not forget the main reason of the day, which was to raise money for the important local charity, Ashgate Hospice. So we would like to take this opportunity to thank all the players and organisers who helped raise a massive £1,000 to contribute towards this great cause and made this brilliant event possible. For interesting local news stories and events please visit our website for more information, or find us on Facebook.

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