Tuesday 24 June 2014

Hyundai Building Development "Taking Shape"

The Autoworld Hyundai building development is well and truly taking shape. The brand new refurbishment has been labelled as state of the art.

Although the whole building is being totally revamped, it’s the new extension that interests us the most and we must say; it certainly gives the building a more distinctive shape and character.

The extension will increase the overall showroom space to house the new and upcoming range of Hyundai cars. To the left of the building is a dedicated hand over bay, where customer’s can view and collect their new or used Hyundai vehicle.

The new extension certainly adds character
The builders are working hard to keep to the time schedule

To the left of the extension is where the new dedicated handover bay will reside 
The new extension has been built to house the new and upcoming Hyundai vehicles 

We at Autoworld are looking forward to seeing the finished result but until then, we would like to remind you that we are still open for business as usual from our temporary business office on the Hyundai forecourt.

Friday 20 June 2014

The Suzuki Guild Technician of the Year Award 2014

First and foremost, we would like to congratulate our valued Autoworld Suzuki technician “Chris Hall” for achieving runner up in Suzuki’s most prestigious UK award “The Suzuki Guild, Technician of the Year Award 2014”.

To even come close to getting this accolade is a massive achievement because you have to know your product by the book. Further more you have to undertake a series of tasks such as repair, communication and random running faults, which test both Chris’s knowledge and practicability of the Suzuki vehicle.

After all the test tasks were done, a formal dinner and presentation followed where all the Suzuki directors and outer zone managers attended the presentation to honor the all the competitors and give recognition of their hard work.

I asked Chris how he felt about this massive achievement and if he would be competing in next years award?

 It’s a bitter sweet pill to swallow, I feel very proud of what I have achieved but disappointed that I didn’t get the top award, I will use this disappointment to fuel my passion and do better at next years award, if I make the grade of course"

Chris receives his runner up Technician of the year Award 2014
Chris receives his runner up Award from the Directors of Suzuki UK

Just like in any competition or hard work, there are rewards, and what a reward it turned out to be. After the event Chris and the rest of the competitors where flown off the Slovenia for an adrenaline fueled adventure weekend where he took part in white water rafting along the Sava River and The Great Emerald Adventure which involved traveling down rivers and water falls with nothing but a helmet, wet suit and safety rope.

Chris expressed the fun that he had: “It was a rip roaring, adrenaline-fueled adventure that made all that hard work seem worthwhile”

It just goes to show that hard work can pay off and from another angle, shows the level of dedication that we have within our Autoworld Service Centre to give you the best possible customer service as possible.